• Welcome!
    Two Fit Moms With the shared goal of staying healthy and fit, Masumi and Laura created Two Fit Moms, a website and movement dedicated to providing guidance and tips on yoga, nutrition, wellness and healthy living.
  • Latest News
    As you know, we love getting our kids involved in our yoga practices, and our kids... Posted on October 13, 2016
    Even though you know that yoga is never about reaching a final destination, it's natural to have... Posted on March 17, 2016
    Hello to our online community! Tonight, we kick off our March yoga challenge on Instagram by posting... Posted on February 29, 2016
  • featured

    Kids Yoga Product Spotlight: Gaiam Kids Classic Balance Ball Chair

    As you know, we love getting our kids involved in our yoga practices, and our

    October 13th | by Kate Alexander


    Working for the Dream: Hanumanasana

    Even though you know that yoga is never about reaching a final destination, it's natural to

    March 17th | by Masumi Goldman


    Dream Big in March!

    Hello to our online community! Tonight, we kick off our March yoga challenge on Instagram by

    February 29th | by Masumi Goldman


    4 Ways to Challenge & Enhance Your Practice with Yoga Blocks

    If you think yoga blocks are just for beginners that can’t touch their toes or

    October 27th | by Masumi Goldman


    Small Space Yoga

    When you’re confined to a small space, you don’t have to give up on your

    September 23rd | by Masumi Goldman


    Yoga Challenge with Shape Magazine

    For the month of August, we are teaming up with Shape Magazine to bring you

    August 2nd | by Masumi Goldman


    The Key to Getting Kids Involved in Yoga (or any activity)!

    If you are a parent of young children, you may have noticed that kids are

    July 22nd | by Kate Alexander


    Overcoming Perfectionism

    Today, I looked out the window and decided that it was going to rain. And

    July 7th | by Masumi Goldman

    We have some exciting news to share! Our new digital series is available today! It’s...

    September 16, 2014 | by 

    Continuing on!  Here are some more questions that you asked me to answer!

    September 4, 2014 | by 

    Sometimes it is quite hard to keep up with all of the questions and emails...

    August 19, 2014 | by 

    Warrior III, or Virabhadrasana III, is probably the trickiest of the Warrior Poses. Not only...

    August 8, 2014 | by 

    Yoga straps can be used for a variety of exercises and stretches. Whether you are...

    August 6, 2014 | by 

    Reverse Warrior, or Viparita Virabhadrasana, is a variation on Warrior II but with a slight...

    July 31, 2014 | by 

    When I first started practicing yoga, I received all sorts of advice. One great suggestion...

    July 27, 2014 | by 

    No other standing posture makes me fidget as much as Warrior II, or Virabhadrasana II....

    July 25, 2014 | by 

    We all have days, weeks or even longer stretches of time when the stress of...

    July 22, 2014 | by 

    As much as I love to be upside every day, there isn't a day that goes...

    July 18, 2014 | by 
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