February 12, 2014 | by Laura Kasperzak
Eka Hasta Bhujasana

Eka Hasta Bhujasana, or One-Leg-Over-Arm Balance, is another great intro to balancing on your hands.  It helps build strength in your arms and core which are essential in all of your arm balances and inversions. Feel free to have blocks nearby if you cannot get your hands flat on your mat.  Let’s break it down!

Step 1: Warm up!

I always start my practice with about 5-10 Sun Salutions to get my body moving.  Feel free to warm up anyway that you would like! This pose does require a lot of hip mobility and open hamstrings, so make sure to spend some time in poses like a seat forward fold and single/double pigeon.

Step 2: Cradle the leg

Take a seat on your mat and extend both legs out. Bend the right knee and plant the foot down onto your mat. Slowly pick up the bent leg and hug it into your chest. With your left hand, grab the sole of your right foot and start to pull it in toward you.  The goal is to get your right shin parallel to the ground.  Option 1: Cradle your shin by taking the sole of the right foot to the inner left elbow and the outer knee to the inner right elbow as shown above.  Option 2: Use your arms like a forklift by sliding both arms under the shin to hold your leg upright. With either variation…stay here and breath for 8-10 breaths!

Photo Feb 12, 1 23 29 PM Photo Feb 12, 1 23 51 PM

Step 3: Backpack it!

Take the sole of the foot again with your left hand and slide the right hand under the right calf muscle. Slowly begin to work the leg out to the right, then up over the right shoulder.  Make believe you are putting on a backpack strap!

Photo Feb 12, 1 24 10 PM

Step 4: Clamp it down

Once you have worked your leg as high up the arm/shoulder as your flexibility allows, clamp the leg down so it stays. Place your hands down onto your mat next to your hips. If you cannot get your hands flat, use your blocks to bring the ground up to you! Engage both legs by flointing or pointing the toes.

Photo Feb 12, 1 24 26 PM

Step 5: Start the lift

You can play around with either lifting the left foot up or lifting the buttasana up.  Try both! Feel your core engage. Try to hold your option for five breaths.

Photo Feb 12, 1 24 42 PM

Step 6: Full expression

Work your leg up over your arm/shoulder and plant your hands firmly onto your mat. Using a bit of momentum, take a deep breath in and lift the leg off of the ground. On the exhale, lean slightly forward and, keeping the leg lifted, try to lift your bottom up as well. Keep the upper back rounding and arms squeezing in toward the midline.  Continue to clamp down the leg over the arm/shoulder. Press firmly into the ground and keep your gaze forward.  Hold for a few breaths if possible and release.

Don’t forget to work the other side!

Photo Feb 12, 1 24 57 PM


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