June 17, 2015 | by Laura Kasperzak
Pose of the Week: Vasisthasana

Vasisthasana, or Side Plank Pose, helps to strengthen the wrists, arms, core and legs! Feel free to take any modifications or variations in your practice this week.


1. Start off in Downward Facing Dog.

2. From Downward Facing Dog, pull forward into Plank Pose.

3. Shift your weight onto your left hand, and move the right hand forward about 2 inches so the wrist is slightly forward of your right shoulder.

4. Slowly roll onto the outside edge of your right foot and stack your left foot on top of your right. As you do so, pop up on the fingertips of your left hand. Root down through the right hand, keeping the right arm straight.

5. Find your balance and extend your left arm up towards the sky.

6. Keep your hips lifting, belly engaged and legs active.

7. Stay here and take 5 deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.

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