Ustrasana Levels
May 9, 2015 | by Laura Kasperzak
Pose of the Week: Ustrasana

This week’s TFM Pose of the Week is Ustrasana or Camel Pose. Backbends are a great way to open up the front body and to energize yourself. Take your time getting into this one and remember to breathe!

Level 1 Modification: Start with your shins parallel and toes untucked. Place your hands on your low back with fingers facing down towards your mat. Hug your elbows in. Take a deep breath in, and on the exhale, slowly start to lift your heart up towards the sky as you lean slightly back drawing the shoulder blades together. Keep your hips pushing forward while your thighs remain perpendicular to the ground. If it is comfortable, drop your head back. Try to take five steady breaths. When you are ready to come out, lead with your chest.  Your head should be the last thing to rise. Sit back on your heels and take a moment.  Repeat this sequence two more times.

Ustrasana Level 1

Level 2 Modification: Start with your shins parallel and toes tucked under. Place your hands on your low back with fingers facing down towards your mat. Hug your elbows in, and take a deep breath. On the exhale, slowly start to lift your heart up towards the sky as you lean slightly back drawing the shoulder blades together. Slowly bring one hand at a time down to your ankles. Keep pushing your hips forward while your thighs remain perpendicular to the ground. If it is comfortable, drop your head back. Try to take five steady breaths. When you are ready to come out, lead with your chest.  Your head should be the last thing to rise. Sit back on your heels and take a moment.  Repeat this sequence two more times.

Ustrasana Level 2

Ustrasana: Start with your shins parallel and toes untucked. Place your hands on your low back with fingers facing down towards your mat. Hug your elbows in. Take a deep breath, and on the exhale, slowly start to lift your heart up towards the sky as you lean slightly back drawing the shoulder blades together. Slowly bring both hands to the tops of your feet. Keep hips pushing forward while thighs remain perpendicular to the ground. Slowly drop your head back. Try to take five steady breaths. When you are ready to come out, lead with your chest.  Your head should be the last thing to rise. Sit back on your heels and take a moment.  Repeat this sequence two more times.

Ustrasana Level 3

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