May 8, 2014 | by Laura Kasperzak
Daily Practice: Make It a Family Affair!

With Mother’s Day around the corner, spending time with my children is top of mind.  And, I can’t think of anything else I’d want to do more than practice yoga with them! Yoga can be so beneficial to your children’s physical and mental well-being.  Physically, it can improve flexibility, strength, coordination and body awareness.  Mentally, it can alleviate stress and anxiety. You probably remember my post from a few weeks back that offered suggestions on how to get your family involved.  This post elaborates, offering five great poses to get you and your family practicing yoga together!


Here they are:

 #1: Downward Facing Dog


This is the first pose both of my kids learned from watching me. For both adults and children, it is a pose that works every muscle of your body…your arms, shoulders, core, back, hips and legs! Try to hold this for 10-15 breaths.  Your child will probably come out sooner, but that’s OKAY! My minis generally use me as a “tunnel”…making it more fun for me to hold!

#2: Cobra Pose


Cobra Pose was the first backbend my kids learned. Kids are naturally flexible so they most likely will find this pose super fun…especially if you ask them to try to touch their toes to their head! Cobra Pose is a great way to stretch out the entire front body and strengthen the arms. Once your child has learned Downward Facing Dog, you can start to teach them to transition right into Cobra Pose.

#3: Child’s Pose


Who doesn’t love a good Child’s Pose? It releases any tension in the back, shoulders, chest and arms. It also begins to calm the mind and bring the focus back to your breath. If your kids are like mine…they are constantly on the go! This pose can be used as a first step to calm them.

Once your child learns this, you can start to flow these poses together almost like a dance! Downward Facing Dog to Cobra Pose to Child’s Pose…Repeated a few times is a mini-workout!

#4: Seated Forward Fold


Seated Forward Fold is one of the easiest poses to teach children.  Having flexible hamstrings is so important and improves everything we do . . . walking, running, bending, even tying your shoes! This is the perfect pose to help your kids remain flexible as they grow.

#5: Easy Pose or Criss-Cross Applesauce with Meditation


At the end of your practice with you family, take a moment to sit and close your eyes. Encourage your children to do the same. Taking a moment to be still and breathe can help relieve stress and relax your mind. For your children, this moment may only last 30 seconds — and that’s OKAY! Eventually, they will learn to sit quietly for longer periods and to use this pose to look within themselves.

Practicing yoga with your kids will not be perfect, but the key is that you are doing it together.  And, if you are smiling, you are doing it right!


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